Disorder Fabrication Syndrome (DFS)

A new psychiatric condition has been observed by psychiatrists working at the Brandt-Sievers Institute for Eugenics. The condition, Disorder Fabrication Syndrome (DFS), is a kind of paranoid delusional disorder where the sufferer believes in their own infallibility and superiority and is often associated with co morbid narcissistic personality disorder. The sufferer will incessantly classify all manner of normal human behavior as a disorder or syndrome.
The disorder is thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance brought on by studying psychology and psychiatry at an institute funded by big-pharma. The constant handling of money doled out by the drug companies seems to affect the way the psychologists and psychiatrists process neurotransmitters. Another theory is that this might be a kind of hysteria induced by chronic avarice.
The most effective treatment for this group of patients is to strike them off any professional registers which makes their craving for pharmaceutical company money remit. In extreme case prosecuting them for research fraud is another alternative. This sometime controversial method has just been applied with great success at the University of Vermont .

It is believed that the condition is under diagnosed in psychiatrists and clinical psychologists and that a screening program ought to be introduced in this high risk population.

Barry Turner

Lecturer in Medical Ethics and law

University of Lincoln England,  United Kingdom






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Netherlands panel rejects ADHD diagnosis as a mental illness - news alert! - attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

The recent ruling of the Netherlands Advertisement Code Commission (NACC) concerning the diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be a first step toward exposing in the United States what many experts long have argued is a fraudulent diagnosis.


As the result of a lawsuit filed by the Dutch chapter of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, an international psychiatric watchdog organization, the NACC ruled that, "The information that the defendant [the Netherlands Brain Foundation] presented gives no grounds for the definitive statement that ADHD is an inherent brain dysfunction.... Under the circumstances, the defendant has not been careful enough and the advertisement is misleading."


The NACC explained in its ruling that, "The defendant states in her statement that ADHD is an inborn brain dysfunction and [we] can rely on the results of scientific research and scientific articles about the cause of ADHD. The information that the defendant presented does not provide sufficient grounds for the definite statement that ADHD is an inborn brain dysfunction. While searching for the cause of ADHD, the different research projects give different possibilities. There is no unequivocal opinion on the cause of ADHD in the papers that the defendant presented."


In short, "scientific" data presented to show that ADHD is a mental disorder was not convincing and the NACC ordered the Brain Foundation to cease false claims to the contrary in its advertising.


INSIGHT has reported extensively on the alleged ADHD diagnosis, including statements by some of the top U.S. medical experts, that are in line with the Dutch government's ruling. For instance, David Satcher said in his 1999 Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health that, "There is no definitive lesion, laboratory test or abnormality in brain tissue that can identify the illness." And the 1998 Consensus Development Conference on the Diagnosis of Treatment of ADHD, held by the National Institutes of Health, states: "We do not have an independent, valid test for ADHD, and there are no data to indicate that ADHD is due to a brain malfunction. ... Finally, after years of clinical research and experience with ADHD, our knowledge about the cause or causes of ADHD remains speculative."


Source: Insight Magazine. By Kelly O'Meara





The Myth of the Hyperactive Child & Other Means of Child Control

By Peter Schrag and Diane Divoky


The Absolute Best ADD/ADHD History Source for anyone who wishes to learn about this label and its background. This site highly recommends that every person read this outstanding resource and factual guide detailing the start of this billion dollar industry. 












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